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Biofabricated packaging for jewelry
Country: Chile
Category: Luxury
This packaging is a winner because it redefines luxury in today's era, through a development designed and co-created with nature. Its innovative material arises from the valorization of waste resulting from the local production of peanut butter, its shells. These are used as a substrate for wood-decomposing fungi for the cultivation and growth of a versatile foam material that is a new step for the circular economy in the world of packaging. The packaging is framed within a context where at a business level there are new pressures and greater legislative incidence in relation to the choice of more environmentally responsible materials.

The target public are the “conscious consumers” within the luxury sector, who seek a balance between consumption of quality products and choice of companies with socio-environmental responsibility. They are aware of the negative impacts of their purchasing decisions and seek positive impacts. This packaging is an experience to highlight the jewels. A second life for the peanut shell, which restores its ability to be a shell that protects the treasures inside.