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EmGuard ™
OJI Fibre Solutions
Country: Australia and New Zealand
Category: Other
EmGuard ™ is an innovative and sustainable alternative to replace problematic single use plastics that is used with a bamboo stake to plant trees and has shown to greatly improve the chances of survival and promote growth in plants. The EmGuard ™ is particularly valuable in the first year of establishment especially where root trainer or small grade plants are used as the design reduces water loss and provides a micro-climate favorable to growth. The EmGuard ™ protects plants from chemical spraying and weeding maintenance, protect plants from predators like hares and Pukekos and helps to easily identify where plants are in a planted area.

The EmGuard ™ is manufactured in New Zealand using a majority of recycled pulp and is a mono material recyclable and renewable material solution. The intuitive 4 panel design, folds into a triangle and is locked in place with the bamboo stake.