Transport and display packaging for cut flowers
Country: Finland
Category: Transit
Cost-effective, easy to use, visually appealing and sustainable packaging concept for flower packaging, which is based on renewable and recyclable materials and works well throughout the logistics chain. Replaces typically used plastic bucket. Packaging concept is made over 97 % of renewable materials.
The packaging concept includes display packaging (inner box) and outer box. The display packaging is waterproof, based on a leak-tight structure and a thin PET film on the inner surface of the corrugated board. The outer box allows stacking packages on top of each other enabling high logistic efficiency.
Packaging concept can be easily designed in a number of different sizes -> optimization according to the requirements of the flower species and the logistics chain.
By changing the plastic buckets to this new packaging concept for this spring's tulips season, one Finnish retailer reduced the use of plastic by 27 tons annually, which strongly supports the achievement of their public sustainability commitments.